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  1. Intro- Why Meditation?
  2. Benifits of Meditating
  3. How to do it

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Why Meditate? Well, to me this is a hobby that I enjoy, it makes me feel more present and connected to others. In the world today its pretty mindblowing to see how much technology has consumed us, kids now are being raised on an Ipad and glued to the TV.

Ill have to admit that I spend a lot of time on my phone but I feel better when its off. It feels good to be outside with friends instead of worrying about updating an Instagram page.

We are spending more time than ever on our screens. Since screens are two-dimensional, yet we are three-dimensional, a simple exercise like meditation allows us to become more present in the moment of self, others, and the environment.

I read an article somewhere on "Mindfulness Exercise To Combat Excessive Screen Time" that said...

"We must remember the mind and body are connected. When we feel discomfort, it is essential to recognize it and sometimes "hold in" a little longer as a proactive method of building resilience. When we are aware of our internal state, we can bring our entire selves to others, especially when we have been staring at screens for hours on end."

How many hours per week do you watch television?

I don't watch TV.
Fewer than 5
5 - 10
More than 10
Screentime Avg. Screentime for Teens (%)
None 4
2 hours or less 15
2-4 hours 18
4-8 hours 33
More than 8 hours 29

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"The simple gesture of shifting the body in the environment provides the space for greater openness and receptivity." There are many benifits to meditation and clearing your mind it imroves your Mental, Physical, and Emotional health. Other benifits include...

The bottom line is meditation is something everyone can do to improve their mental and emotional health.You can do it anywhere, without special equipment or memberships. There is a great variety of styles too, each with different strengths and benefits.

Trying out a style of meditation suited to your goals is a great way to improve your quality of life, even if you only have a few minutes to do it each day. Here are even more benifits to read about. Click for link.

If you are interested in incorporating meditation into your routine, try a few different styles and consider guided exercises to get started with one that suits you.

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    Find a meditation approach that you enjoy. "This idea that meditation is hard work and takes a long time to master is not correct," says Jillian Lavender, co-founder of the London Meditation Centre. The trick is to find an approach such as classes, online tutorials, books or apps and a practice you enjoy.

"If you are putting yourself through some torturous process because "Thats what I should be doing", then it isnt easy or enjoyable, and most likely you wont stick with it."

Instead opt for more manageable chunks that you can slot into daily life. Just five to 10 minutes of meditation a day can be enough to feel the benefits.

"Anywhere you can sit down, you can meditate." Developing that ease around it means there is a higher chance of fitting it in, she says. Start by finding somewhere you feel warm, comfortable and not too self-conscious. This is a simple short video to get an idea as a beginner, its more of a calming exercise.